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I turned into John Wick when they killed my dog. 


I like the ending but why did rocky die


AHHHH nice game


"better with headphones" really overboy


Its was really cool short game,and Press F to pay Respect to Rocky F 5\5




this was really good



the final level was creepy when I saw the girl and i freaked out but when I got the proton pack I was like, DIE MOTHERFUCKAS.

Also im really sad about rocky but also rocky died in another room with the door closed but I saw him anyway... i guess you can see through doors???





   |  R I P  |

   |  Rocky  |



Aw, poor Rocky.  I liked this game and I understand now what the twist was.  I like to think the character will adopt Rocky 2 and give him his own pack.


I really enjoyed the game even went back and did it again to see I could save the dog, turns out the answer is no.

If you are still working on things like this I would be vey happy to check them out and help you develop if there in beta. 

That is kinda what I do with a lot of games.  I like to look for in development games to help the devs.

I am also a writer if you wanna go over stories or anything I would be very happy to help


Man its awesome

Thank you :)


Do you have any plans to make a big commercial game? I can't find any. Only great but short games on your Itch profile. Its looks like you are very skilled developer

Deleted 2 years ago
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if you want to avenge rocky,then go to the right side of he house and cross the door that was locked before then,you´ll find a proton pack to kill the ghost



made in 48 HOURS?! woah!
this was amazing! super scary !!

WE NEED MORE GAMES WITH PUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark and Jack: NOOOOOOOOO

Dan: 👁️👄👁️

el perrito el juego del perrito ame ese juego cuando lo encontre

Awesome yet again :-) However, after I killed 11 / 15 ghosts, no more ghosts are available, what am I missing? There seems to be a light where Rocky's remains are, but I can't kill anything anymore there. Bug?

(1 edit)

did you check upstairs? you also have to shoot rocky´s remains

u have to what

how do i open the games i have them as folders- this always happens to me


I was chill until Rocky turned.

*John Wick noises*



(1 edit)

poor rocky that scared me a lOT best game ive played and THE PROTON PACK YEEEESSSSS KILL THE UNDEAD KIL ???


that scared me half to deth lol

Rocky... i.i



the game is awsome pls make a better and bigger seque


Short but really good ! My heart is broken for baby rocky T^T <3


rip doggy :(

Buen juego esta genial...


all i can say, is that guy is just weird, his face stays the same.

R.I.P. rocky R.I.P.


recen por rocky


Didn't see that coming, payback was great!

i wonder what wud happen if u just ran away


im here cause jacksepticeye is sexy



Feeling sad for Rocky but the game was awesome!!

Really short and sweet

I made a video!

Deleted post

that was amazing! spooky and funny! After rocky got... sliced... I used the proton pack to DESTROY HIS REMAINS!


one of the best games ever


Now I'm sad :(

i ame surshing for 2d horror games for low end pc what do you reccomond 

Wow, that was... unexpected :o Great work, man!

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