Do you have any plans to make a big commercial game? I can't find any. Only great but short games on your Itch profile. Its looks like you are very skilled developer
if you want to avenge rocky,then go to the right side of he house and cross the door that was locked before then,you´ll find a proton pack to kill the ghost
Awesome yet again :-) However, after I killed 11 / 15 ghosts, no more ghosts are available, what am I missing? There seems to be a light where Rocky's remains are, but I can't kill anything anymore there. Bug?
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I turned into John Wick when they killed my dog.
I like the ending but why did rocky die
AHHHH nice game
"better with headphones" really overboy
Its was really cool short game,and Press F to pay Respect to Rocky F 5\5
this was really good
the final level was creepy when I saw the girl and i freaked out but when I got the proton pack I was like, DIE MOTHERFUCKAS.
Also im really sad about rocky but also rocky died in another room with the door closed but I saw him anyway... i guess you can see through doors???
| R I P |
| Rocky |
Aw, poor Rocky. I liked this game and I understand now what the twist was. I like to think the character will adopt Rocky 2 and give him his own pack.
I really enjoyed the game even went back and did it again to see I could save the dog, turns out the answer is no.
If you are still working on things like this I would be vey happy to check them out and help you develop if there in beta.
That is kinda what I do with a lot of games. I like to look for in development games to help the devs.
I am also a writer if you wanna go over stories or anything I would be very happy to help
Man its awesome
Thank you :)
Do you have any plans to make a big commercial game? I can't find any. Only great but short games on your Itch profile. Its looks like you are very skilled developer
if you want to avenge rocky,then go to the right side of he house and cross the door that was locked before then,you´ll find a proton pack to kill the ghost
made in 48 HOURS?! woah!
this was amazing! super scary !!
WE NEED MORE GAMES WITH PUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mark and Jack: NOOOOOOOOO
Dan: 👁️👄👁️
el perrito el juego del perrito ame ese juego cuando lo encontre
Awesome yet again :-) However, after I killed 11 / 15 ghosts, no more ghosts are available, what am I missing? There seems to be a light where Rocky's remains are, but I can't kill anything anymore there. Bug?
did you check upstairs? you also have to shoot rocky´s remains
u have to what
how do i open the games i have them as folders- this always happens to me
I was chill until Rocky turned.
*John Wick noises*
poor rocky that scared me a lOT best game ive played and THE PROTON PACK YEEEESSSSS KILL THE UNDEAD KIL ???
that scared me half to deth lol
Rocky... i.i
the game is awsome pls make a better and bigger seque
Short but really good ! My heart is broken for baby rocky T^T <3
rip doggy :(
Buen juego esta genial...
all i can say, is that guy is just weird, his face stays the same.
R.I.P. rocky R.I.P.
recen por rocky
Didn't see that coming, payback was great!
i wonder what wud happen if u just ran away
im here cause jacksepticeye is sexy
Feeling sad for Rocky but the game was awesome!!
Really short and sweet
I made a video!
that was amazing! spooky and funny! After rocky got... sliced... I used the proton pack to DESTROY HIS REMAINS!
one of the best games ever
Now I'm sad :(
i ame surshing for 2d horror games for low end pc what do you reccomond
Wow, that was... unexpected :o Great work, man!